The Body Shop
The Craft Gin Club
Shop Magazine
Big Eyes Little Soles
Global Blue
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Dionne Hélène is a London based, senior art director, with over 10 years of professional experience. She has an obsession with sneakers - for which she entirely blames her mother. On the side, she is an amateur gardener (#BudgetTitchmarsh) and bird watcher (#FlockTheWorld, big up the back yard beauties). Profusely proud of her Mauritian heritage she can whip up a mean bol devire or give you a great recipe for a rum cocktail.
If you would like to know more, or perhaps see a CV, grab a coffee, or simply get advice on how to maintain a box-fresh standard on your sneakers, please don't hesitate to drop her an email.
Picture above taken on a trip to Miami, 2015.